In the journey towards recovery, one of the most significant concerns individuals and their families often face is the cost of treatment. At Zelus Recovery, we understand that seeking treatment for addiction can be overwhelming and intimidating. We also know that finances should not be a barrier to receiving the care someone needs. Many insurance providers offer coverage for addiction treatment services, making it more accessible and affordable for those in need. Contact us now at 208.518.0797 to learn about Zelus Recovery’s insurance coverage policies. We work with various providers to minimize the out-of-pocket costs associated with treatment. Everyone deserves a chance at recovery, and we are dedicated to helping individuals and their families find the resources they need.
Insurance Coverage: An Essential Component in Addiction Treatment
Zelus Recovery: Comprehensive Addiction Treatment Services
Zelus Recovery offers a wide range of programs and services for both teens and adults struggling with substance misuse and addiction. These include ambulatory detox, partial hospitalization program (PHP), intensive outpatient program (IOP), medical detox, telehealth program, and specific men’s and women’s rehab programs. Zelus Recovery provides specialized treatments for several types of drug addictions, including opioids, Adderall, and crack cocaine. We also offer multisystemic programs for adolescents, co-occurring disorders treatment, mental health treatment, anger management, and various therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy.
Zelus Recovery's Insurance Coverage
Zelus Recovery is committed to making its holistic and comprehensive addiction treatments available to as many individuals as possible. We accept a variety of insurance plans to help cover the costs of their programs.
While the extent of coverage can vary depending on the specifics of your insurance policy, many plans will cover a significant portion of the costs associated with Zelus Recovery’s services. This can include everything from initial detoxification to outpatient programs and aftercare.
Insurance Verification Form
Insurance Verification
Contact Us Now
Knowing your insurance policy’s specifics is crucial in understanding what aspects of your treatment may be covered. Zelus Recovery’s admissions team can assist with insurance verification and provide guidance on maximizing your benefits. With our acceptance of various insurance plans, we strive to make recovery attainable for everyone. Contact us at 208.518.0797 now.