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What Drugs Are Classified as “Synthetic Drugs”?

Synthetic drugs are drugs produced using chemicals rather than natural products and ingredients. These are artificial ingredients designed to act like traditional drugs. Synthetic drugs can be very powerful and, in some cases, may not be clearly understood. Because there is no restriction on what can be included in them, these drugs can prove to be dangerous for anyone who uses them. If you are engaging in the use of synthetic drugs and may have developed a synthetic drug addiction, learn how we can help you today at Zelus Recovery.

Defining Synthetic Drugs

Synthetic drugs are also known as designer drugs. That’s because they are made in a lab using chemical ingredients. These drugs are hazardous because they tend to be more powerful than the natural drug they are designed after. They also can be harmful because drug information about them is not available. That means if a person consumes these drugs, the consequences are unknown and often misrepresented.

Examples of Synthetic Drugs

Each year, dozens of new designer drugs hit the market. These are often made overseas and sold in the U.S. Many drug classes can also be purchased online with ease. There is little to no regulation of oversight on these drugs, making it very hard for anyone to know what’s in them or how they will make you feel. Some of the most common synthetic drugs include:

  • Bath salts – This type of synthetic drug comes from cathinone, which is a type of stimulant. These contain stimulants such as methylone, MDPV, and mephedrone. These drugs are more powerful than cocaine.
  • Molly – This type of drug is a type of ecstasy. It is a stimulant and also has hallucinogenic drugs. These often have very little MDMA in them, but they may contain angel dust (PCP) or MDPV, a highly toxic drug.
  • K2 – Also known as spice, this drug is designed to be a much more powerful form of cannabinoids. These are nothing like marijuana in terms of their chemical makeup, though. These drugs can create psychosis, depressant effects, and stimulation as well.
  • Crystal meth – This type of drug is a street version of methamphetamine. Sometimes, this drug is made using Freon, gasoline, sulfur, or lithium from batteries. All of these are hazardous ingredients.

Having drug information like this is important, but with most synthetic drugs, the information about them is rather limited if available at all. Understanding drug classes can also help people to make better decisions about the drugs they consume. Yet, it is always important to note that none of these drugs are safe to use for any reason.

How to Get Help for Synthetic Drug Addiction

When someone is facing addiction to synthetic drugs, treatment needs to address the type of drug and the damage it caused to a person. When it comes to young adults and teens, getting help right away for them is critical. That can help minimize the risk of long-term addiction as well as health complications. At Zelus Recovery, we can provide the support needed to stop using these drugs or the drug information to educate your younger teen about the risks.

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Let Zelus Recovery Help You End Your Addiction to Synthetic Drugs

Synthetic drugs are dangerous and addictive. If you are facing addiction to them, our team at Zelus Recovery can offer help. With a comprehensive treatment program for synthetic drug addiction, we can help young adults and teens get the support they need. To learn how we can help you, call Zelus Recovery at 208.518.0797 or connect with us online today.