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What Is Wet Brain (Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome)?

Woman puts head in hand as she struggles with wet brain

There are many reasons for seeking timely alcohol addiction treatment. Prompt treatment may help you avoid dangerous health conditions like Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, also known as wet brain. This syndrome can damage multiple brain areas and interfere with some of your most important mental and bodily functions.

At Zelus Recovery, we specialize in outpatient services that help teenagers and adults recover from alcohol issues. Our goal is to help you heal from alcohol so you can live the healthy life you deserve. Contact us today at 208.518.0797 to learn about our treatment for alcohol addiction.

What Is Wet Brain and How Does it Affect You?

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome occurs when there’s a chronic lack of vitamin B1 (thiamine) in your system. Chronic B1 deficiencies can happen for a variety of reasons. The list of these reasons includes a severe case of alcohol use disorder (AUD). AUD encompasses both alcoholism and debilitating alcohol abuse.

There are two parts to wet brain. First, B1 deficiency triggers Wernicke’s encephalopathy, a condition that damages your brain’s hypothalamus and thalamus.  You may then develop Korsakoff syndrome, which damages your:

  • Memory function
  • Brain function
  • Spinal cord function

Wernicke’s has multiple possible causes, including severe AUD. Korsakoff syndrome, however, is more closely tied to severe alcohol problems.

What Are Some Common Wet Brain Symptoms?

If you have Wernicke’s encephalopathy, you may experience various related symptoms. That includes such things as:

  • Confusion
  • Problems with your eyesight
  • Loss of normal muscle coordination
  • Unusually low body temperature and blood pressure

Coma is also possible in a worst-case scenario.

Symptoms associated with Korsakoff syndrome include amnesia and muscle tremors. They also include mental disorientation. In addition, a person affected by this syndrome may experience vision problems or go into a coma.

Wet Brain Timeline

How long does it take to develop wet brain? There is no set timeline for the syndrome’s onset. Symptoms of Wernicke’s can take anywhere from days or weeks to appear. For this reason, it’s known as an acute medical condition. Korsakoff syndrome, on the other hand, typically develops at a more gradual pace.  It can take several weeks or even months to develop.

Preventing Wet Brain

The best way to prevent wet brain is by seeking treatment for alcohol addiction as soon as possible. Alcohol abuse and addiction often lead to a poor diet, which can result in vitamin deficiencies. Seeking help and quitting alcohol use can prevent further damage and give your body time to heal.

Is Recovery Possible?

No matter how long it takes to develop wet brain, there is another important question. Can you recover from this syndrome’s effects? Depending on the severity of your condition, there is a possibility for recovery. With the right treatment and support, it is possible to regain some cognitive function and improve your overall health. However, it’s important to seek help as soon as possible to increase the chances of successful recovery.

What if Wernicke’s progresses into Korsakoff syndrome? In this case, the damage to your brain and body may be more severe. However, it’s still possible to find relief through treatment and support. At Zelus Recovery, our experienced team can help you manage wet brain symptoms and work towards a better quality of life.

Enroll at Zelus Recovery Today for Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Worried about potential exposure to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome? The best course of action is to halt excessive drinking as soon as possible. By quitting drinking, you may avoid this serious syndrome altogether. You may also be able to limit the impact of existing Wernicke-Korsakoff symptoms.  Professional treatment offers the best chance of recovery from alcohol addiction and related health issues like wet brain.

Want more information on what it takes to preserve your brain health? You’ll find it at Zelus Recovery. We’re also your source for outpatient treatment that supports brain health and helps you get sober and stay that way. Just call us today at 208.518.0797 or contact us online.