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Recovery is a team effort

What Does a Substance Abuse Counselor Do?

A substance abuse counselor conducts an intake assessmentIf you’re a parent of a teen or young adult who’s dealing with drug dependency, your child doesn’t have to go through recovery alone. Ideally, your son or daughter will work closely with a substance abuse counselor. You may be wondering how this person helps teens and young adults in rehab.

How a Substance Abuse Counselor Can Help

While detox is the first step to successful sobriety, it’s only the beginning. Going through recovery involves more than simply ending drug or alcohol use. Overall, there are further, significant issues you’ll have to face. These can be quite difficult. However, as you get to the root of addiction, you’ll gain the necessary skills to overcome it.

A substance abuse counselor is trained to help you discover core issues that led to drug or alcohol dependency. Thus, you’ll spend a lot of time talking. Maybe there are past issues you never properly processed, and instead, you use illicit substances to cope with leftover stress. Your therapist helps you uncover deep-seated emotions and provide productive coping mechanisms. Instead of relying on drugs in the future, you’ll develop positive methods for handling stress.

In addition, a counselor provides family therapy. He or she will work to involve every member of a teen or young adult’s family in an effort to rebuild supportive relationships.

Helping Your Child’s Substance Abuse Counselor

To give your child the best chance of successful recovery, the whole family should take part in therapy. A counselor can be extremely helpful, and it’s important that they have as much information as possible.

Therefore, be honest with your son or daughter’s counselor. Find out how you can be the most supportive parent. Often, counselors will advise you to spend time doing activities your child enjoys to open them up to sharing. Unfortunately, you may have to face some tough truths. However, by being open and honest, you set a strong foundation for your child’s successful recovery.

Getting the Treatment You Need

Are you looking for drug rehab in Boise, Eagle, Nampa, and surrounding areas in Idaho? Then Zelus Recovery in Meridian could be your solution. We provide addiction treatment solely for teens and young adults. By focusing on a specific demographic, we’re able to provide programs that meet the individual needs of young people. Our early intervention for adolescents prevents problems from spiraling out of control. Additionally, we provide substance abuse programs including:

It’s time to stop letting addiction control the live’s of your loved ones. Contact us today, and we’ll walk with you on the road to recovery: 208.518.0797.